for analysis, let's bring in dan hynes.eteor cries for most commodities. -- a meteoric rise for most commodities. is sentiment and equities now playing into commodities? daniel: absolutely. we are seeing that for some time now. prices are coming off a loan based, following the downturn at the start of the pandemic. but we are seeing that continue to build that momentum. with the demand now looking pretty strong over the foreseeable future. it looks like this thing could certainly go a lot longer. haidi: what are you most bullish on, then? do we see a continued rebound after the pullback in copper? can we really expect iron ore to continue pushing these new highs over 200? daniel: i mean, what's happening there is the market testing the reaction from the supply side. demand is strong, but it's been the lack of reaction from supply. in fact, we continue to see risks of either disruptions or delays to operations as well. so that's really compounding things. until we see that reaction, it's quite feasible that we could continue