my name is dan kingsly. i'm one of his neighbors on raycliff terrace. this is a very simple ruling from the perspective of mr. friedman. the lot slopes up from north to south, and yet, the city's topographic map shows the property in question at around 345 feet above sea level, and the contours slope down to about 345 below sea level on pacific. so it seems like it's a downward slope lot, not an upward sloping locht. this is all this is about. the owners are very nice people. we are happy to have them in the community. there is no animosity. it was just a question that mr. friedman had whether the zoning administrator's question was correct, and that's all i have for you tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. we will now hear from the -- so -- okay. >> good evening, again, president fung, commissioners. cory teague from planning department staff. on september 22, 2017, geddes ulintskis requested to measure the zoning height. on february 27, 2018 the zoning administrator issued a letter of determination that clarifies the following points. first the letter