so please join me in welcoming the panel and bring up dan kinkead. >>k yause] >> thank you very much. thank you all for allowing me to speak with you this morning. the image that you see on the screen is one that you have probably seen before of detroit. right? it's one that tends to illustrate disinvestment, depopulation, and some conventional thinking that may have led to both of those things. but for us within detroit future city and the implement indication office, group that actually implements with a host of partners, public, private, philanthropic and otherwise, we think it's different. we think it actually may be the site of an incredible opportunity for transformative innovation, particularly transformative innovation within infrastructure and looking at things a little differently than the past. with a real opportunity to begin to stabilize our city as a whole, minimize costs, increase revenue, and ensure we can improve the health of all detroiters and those within the southeast michigan region, to ensure that we can establish 21st century