a process and a procedure to recover that with a sort of a real life person like a trustee and dan larimer is a smart guy you know he's behind you know what is behind steam behind another want bit cheers bit shares and this kind of this kind of this idea of concentration in the network is one where because they say well it's distributed but you know a lot of miners are kind of down. naming in asia and is it as distributed as we really want to be distributed and so he seems to be distressed that with us was his designated black shane producer. for state delegate a proof of stake i should know because i'm involved in one of these things so so that's been up and running for a while what's the verdict so far i think it's fairly distributed as far as if you're looking at things like geography would be the example in delegate of proof of stake like are we representative of global regions but there are some issues i don't think anybody would lie in the voting there's probably some bloc producers who the community. you know are kind of just backed by some wells and have a lot of votes and maybe ar