dan leung signed on behalf of this board. dan leung is our employee. i wish we had been informed of that. i think that any future mou or contracts should be brought to this board for approval rather then dan signing them and think that is probably consistent with how every board and commission in the city would operate. the secretarys are not authorized to enter into contracts or agreement on their behalf. regarding the records, i made my public records request because i didn't realize what i could make request as informed me as a individual member of this board and are she can correct if i'm wrong. she said any member of the board can make a request to a department for records and per the charter they are required to respond. my most recent request at dpa has been made through that. i did public records request because i wasn't aware i had that authority and didn't want to be getting any records that any other member of the public could have. as for the records you have been provided with them. dan provided them in the packet for last month's meeting