. >> this is the public service announcement from dan lucah. insects expert. a lot of times.the middle of the night when somebody is asleep, a really bad spider is going to crawl into your shoe. and go way down where you can't see it. and make a trap. and then the next day, you're going to try to put your shoe on. a lot of people die. just so you know. >> you know, when cats are about to fight, they do that stare down posturing where they're not saying anything or doing anything and all of a sudden it just gets crazy. >> as opposed to when cats are posturing and they are saying anything? >> look who marches his way in to break this thing up. >> they don't even notice the dog. >> tension is escalating, the dog is standing over the two of them. the dog starts to slink away like okay, i got the situation under control. but oh no. >> oh! >> look who came in. >> the cat looks away. realizes the dog's gone. the other cat pounces on that cat, the fight breaks out. but then, not one, not two, but three dogs come to the rescue and quickly separate the two cats. >> they're like really