subcommittee for secretary search, the two chairs or presidents of that subcommittee, myself and dan masuta from the historic preservation commission had a meeting with representatives from dhr yesterday to try to work on an issue that we have been grappling with with the classification of the job being offered regrettably to replace linda avery as our commission secretary, and i am happy to report we are continuing to meet on that subject and we hopefully we can work that out to everyone's satisfaction. we have another meeting scheduled for tuesday, and i also want to say and you all probably know this already it is linda's last day, and we're going to be very sad, and it won't seem the same without her, but it's what she has and needs to do and we certainly appreciate all the years of service and particularly i served with her over ten years now and it's been wonderful. >> thank you. >> well, i want to take this time and continue that on. this is an important day for the planning commission and the planning department and it's linda's last day in that