what in the small, young boy of dan porterfield led him to that decision? dan: i grew up in baltimore city in a couple different neighborhoods. one of the neighborhoods, it was my parents, me and my sister, we were pretty much the only white family. and then after my parents divorced, we moved about a mile away, very similar neighborhood. there, there was only white families. and that neighborhood felt like a fine neighborhood. i didn't know it at the time, but it was segregated. eventually integration came to that neighborhood. a family, i believe from africa, moved in, a doctor, his wife, and two little kids. there were a number of people that really greeted them with great hostility and tried to get them to leave, threw tomatoes at their house or wrote things on the sidewalk. my mom, single mom going to night school, made friends with his family, went up and brought casserole and said she wanted them to feel welcome. they should belong here. eventually the families that didn't want them there moved out themselves -- pretty fast, too. within about six mont