prosecutor dan rubenstein.rried, and the question popped into my mind, is it possible to ever convince 12 people beyond a reasonable doubt unanimously as to an answer on this case? and i started to worry about that. please rise for our jury-- keith morrison: by day three, the judge called the jury into his courtroom to ask-- is there a likelihood of progress towards a unanimous verdict? keith morrison: after getting this far, was the prosecution's case coming undone? coming up. jurors speaking out, saying the case went wrong from the start with the original lead detective. beverly gerald: she just boggled me when she was just, i don't remember, i don't know. and you're a lead investigator? keith morrison: when "dateline" continues. ♪ rinse it out ♪ ♪ every now and then ♪ ♪ i get a little bit tired of the stinks ♪ ♪ that just will never come out ♪ ♪ pour downy in the rinse, jade ♪ ♪ every now and then i rinse it out! ♪ fights odor in just one wash. always ask. >> for pet tips. for us, joint health. >> comes firs