dan tangherlini thnds afforded an opportunity to make g.s.a. a better agency. he didn't teammate sweep the scandal under the rug he undertook a top to bottom review of the whole agency. he has nut stronger holdings over g.s.a. and consolidated energies in human resources ando administrative fungses. this should make g.s.a. a leaner agency helping other agencies make smeart choices. long-standing challenges with both of these areas, property management and procurement combined with the current physical -- making sure the g.s.a. is the go-to place for agencies to be able to go through more with less. they should be at the center of government solve our major management challenges. the management of real property has been on the g.a.o.'s high-risk list of troubled problems for a decade. our government has tens of thousands of properties that e no longer needed or used but we also lack comprehensible data at how agencies use their property. over the long run it would be to tone property. additionally the federal government has a backlog of millions and billions of