which i think is bs because hip hop was founded on dan versity.e and peace and being who you truly are. so i don't know, man. i'm still percent kutd every single day for being myself, but i just -- i'd rather be hated for who i am than loved for who i'm not, so that's kind of the motto. >> that's nice too. we taking turns here is that how we're going to do this? >> no, you got it. you're the show. >> you're the star, though. >> you said something a moment ago that got my attention, i'm paraphrasing but it takes a certain level of honesty and authenticity to admit that you're wrong. we live in a world increasingly where people don't do that from the president of the country on down. >> yeah. >> people are unwilling to do that. so what you're saying is more than just -- it's not even just a statement it's more of a challenge to people, but people don't want to accept that. >> yeah, i mean, be wrong, learn. it's all good. but honestly i also think that comes from open mindedness, because my whole sthing thing is everyone day i'm out there and say alw