joining us is dana cowin. it's great to have ow the program. >> thank you so much for joining us.ear a lot about corn's use in ethanol as well as processed foods. it gets a bad rap for that. what do you think corn's reputation is right now? >> well, i think you really have to look at the two sides of corn. there's sweet corn, what we eat, versus what's on this table, and there's field corn, and that's what you make ethanol from, and that's what the livestock eat, and that is the majority of the corn production in the united states. 86.5 million acres of field corn. me as a food person, i'm interested in sweet corn. >> of course. >> eating it and corn which is being used in more ways in non-food products as well. let's talk about what you have here. you have a handbag, a pot, malt liquor. this is amazing. this is made from corn. >> it was. tommy bahama came out with a great idea to put corn husks which would have been thrown away and he made them into a beautiful bag that is detailed with some leather. you can make it your market basket or your work basket. >> what else do we have