and joining us to discuss the jobs report is steve liesman along with dana peterson and mike, let's start off with you and the markets. nice ending on to the week >> yeah, a jarring number this morning but taking it in stride. it provided a bit of excuse for the growth stock z to bounce a bit and maybe not change the overall story in terms of recovery even if the pace is a little different this is a one year chart, so it will get a little compressed but basically we're sort of threatening to break out of the three week range and once again, you know, we're sort of right back just like that up at the upper end of this path we've been on since october 30th obviously we've had pullbacks along the way. but right now pretty much clinging to that trend line. take a look at one version of the treasury yield curve two years versus 30 year bonds you had yields drop and upon reassessment of the underlying jobs number, longer end maturities actually had the yields bump up so basically the shorter end says that the fed won't do much, but the key is, it sort of kept the shape of the steepening yield c