. >> i tell you one thing you didn't get wrong at "red eye" and that was awarding dana vachon and i the best" red eye" moment of 2011. i just want to on behalf of myself and dana, thank you guys for allowing me to carry dana through that performance. >> quickly, that was a fan vote, so thank the fans. >> that's what i thought i was doing. >> i was robbed. >> this is televised and going into people's living rooms all over the place. >> i i didn't know that. >> i would like to say, bill, over the holiday break, did you kill rick springfield and then are wearing his skin and hair as a suit? >> rick wishes he could get facial hair like this. that's half a month right there. >> it is a mullety sort of 80s thing. and your skin looks like it has been dead for several days. moving on. andy, you said that with newt and the different personalities, that there is two kinds of newts. i looked that up. actually there is a website called kind of newt .com. and they are actually over 350 kinds of newts. >> really? >> yes. just to name a few, emperor newt, alpine newt, a paddle taled newt and an eye be