. >> hello, gentleman, my name is dana veacof and for 40 years i have been a resident of san francisco and most recently in supervisor weiner's district and i am a member of aarp and i used open house services. and i am with the san francisco organizing project who merged with the interfaith action and are part of the pico national network. and in november, we held an action that addressed issues of aging lgbt aging and healthcare. and we asked tom nolan the chair of this task force to keep us involved in its work. so that we that qualified as lgbt seniors were involved in the work for the first surveys through the focus groups thorough indicational meetings and review the documents. and we are very thankful for the work of the task force and its effort and for the supervisors. and in bringing that about and i personally am thrilled to hear that legislation is already in the works to enact the recommendations of the task force. my fellow sfop leaders stand ready to assist in making those recommendations a reality. thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> next speaker, please? >>