next will be important to , danarket to explain why patterson joins us from denmark.ou for joining us. spending all of our time on slowing economic growth, slowing demand, and searching supply to what you think action on the market should be following what the fed is doing? so far this year, but talk of the oil market has been this positive supply shock, with opec changing a strategy market share, and the reason we have first, the shots, iran nuclear deal, and recently over the past couple of weeks, demand has hit the oil market as well. . demand,se this week and below market will lose the fed because it might take a postponement of a fed hike for the oil markets to really gain some confidence. olivia: what specifically are you listening for coming out of jackson hall? dan: for any comments from central bankers in terms of central bankers committing to keeping a hand under the economy, to ensure markets that they will not allow growth to weaken and a commitment to do what is necessary to achieve that. it take for will oil markets globally to rebalance? dan: right now,