when you stew denlt graduate you want to earn some money dand ge a job. will you?r time and your money. you can't count on your college you need to take responsibility. foster is co host of "the independence. you started in college. >> i started a small telecommunications consulting firm. i spent about ten years doing that. i did not at the time drop out of school. i went about 1, two classes at a time. i would go on from there and start two other small companies one a new media term that does film production and another a retail manufacturing company that makes camera accessories. it is one of those things i think is increasingly true that your college degree is no, sir net illy preparing you for the type of world we encounter. we have a significant unemployment problem right now. a great deal ch that has to do with the policies we are pursuing as a county. there are people getting liberal arts degrees and don't have the skills necessary to compete in the job market. they were not entrepreneurial enough. it is the sort of thing people aren't being taught at the un