danfa two square chapels, covered adnaskhilny dakhas that completed the fall of the cornices of the dakhasothic-renaissance form. on the plan of the chapel , the temple is given the shape of a latvian roof and the transept is furnished. if we look at the plan of the cascel, then we will see from two tanks that there are already some tank drops. look at the first ones. padaezza, what is this transept, but no, this is not so, the drops are abrasive in their form. we can realize that these are special small houses that may have their own special exits and services. transept - this same prastor, which has the same money supply as the paparedchnaga and ў like. geta asobnya ab'ekty, dze esst altars illuminated by special saints, albo mestsa pahavannya fundatar. the chalavek could be happy about the future of this drop and pasya yago death yago praise in padzyamella. the pershapachatkov project was not likely to have two dusty and absida sakrystsya special memorials for the storage of the king's inventory and the sacred sanctuary. there are also special memorials in the church and at the trinity