dani mathers speaking out after pleading no contest to invasion of privacy charges for toast posting the photo of an unsuspecting woman naked online. she's not the only one learning the hard way about mistakes we can't take back on social media. here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> reporter: all it took was a single snapchat to turn dani mathers from playmate to pariah. >> to hide out at my mother's house at age 30. because of something i've done. it just felt really low. >> reporter: last year the 2015 playmate of the year was on top of the world, making videos for "playboy." >> very nice, dani, do that again, beautiful. >> reporter: one afternoon last july at her los angeles gym, she took this picture of a 70-year-old woman in a locker room nude. and posted it with the caption "if i can't unsee this then you can't either." >> "playboy's" 2015 playmate of the year facing backlash -- >> the model took a photo of the naked woman and posted it on snapchat. >> lapd has launched a criminal investigation -- >> reporter: she says it was someone else who combined the photo with this picture of