and also honoring daniel dae kim. as arterial plays are honorary, alright, yeah, people who might not know loss, i think last actor activist. he's been doing a lot of incredible work at the national level, especially during the covid 19 pandemic to really advocate for asian americans as a whole. and that is something that's interesting. you know, this is a big fundraiser and talk a little bit about the work the money and the funds. where do they go? it's such a good question, you know, really? we can't do this work alone, right? and so we're working with an incredible network of grantee partners, nonprofit organizations that are really offering amazing services . so we work with about 24 organizations here in the san francisco bay area. organizations like api like outreach like asian women shelter, like the korean community center, the east bay who are again really offering these very vital services to our community, and it's quite a bit of money that you've been able to raise. yes, yes, so last year we had our most successful ga