and then there's daniel harns—berger, or the progressive liberal as he's known.his act, taking his left—leaning beliefs into conservative territory. the bbc went to hear his story. that is what i want. i want to upset people. i enjoy every second of it. because we are in the bible belt, because we are in the middle of eastern kentucky, he is the perfect he'll. i tell people all the time, there are two things you cannot talk about without having a fight, politics and religion. it isa it is a release, for sure. to say what i think. i was working for a promoter at that particular event who said, hey, i wa nt particular event who said, hey, i want you to be the baddest guy you can be. so i spoke about the wall and how i wished he would not build the wall, that he would build around saving west virginia to those people cannot infiltrate the rest of the population. i don't agree with his political views but it is the best gimmick i have seen in wrestling in a long time. we have seen it once before but we tried watching as much as possible. i think i am speaking for the