in 1909 daniel bourbon produced a plan of chicago. plan was produced, a few years later the chicago plan commission was organized and the first head of the chicago plan commission was a man named charles whacker. a were smart guy. he produced the whacker manual which was taken to every high school many the city of chicago and taught as part of the -- of a civic class in high school. and the whacker manual was describing what chicago could be if the city decided to take certain steps. and it was the whacker manual that caused all the money in bond issues to transform the chicago lake front from an industrial commercial railroad district to greater water front that it is today. we're going to borrow on that strategy. we now have the mayor's support to produce a master plan for thi city streets, these mean streets that allen talks about and we're all agreed it needs to be done. then when we finish that, we're going to have the mayor or keyboard members go out and sell this plan which is going to set standards for redoing the major street