daniel burnham, the great american architect, once said, make no little plans. they have no magic to stir man's blood and probably will themselves not be realized. make big plans. aim high in hope and work. we need to stir our blood and our hearts and our minds and our souls to this great challenge. we need to do everything in our power, utilizing every tool at our disposal. we are in a very real race against time, and it is a race in which we are mind -- behind but a race we must not lose. that is our responsibility. that is our moral obligation to our children and their children and their children's children. some wi say this can't be done. but i say to them and i say to you, do not bet against america. we conquered the electron and harnessed electricity. we beat gravity to soar above the clouds. we cured diseases, invented the telephone, the television and the internet. and when president kennedy called us into action, we -- america -- traveled to the moon. when we commit ourselves, there is nothing that american ingenuity cannot accomplish. we will find the