martha falls in love with her first husband, daniel custis. e knows he is a farmer, a plantation owner, but what she does not know is daniel is the son of john custis, who owned several properties here in williamsburg, all the northern, -- the northern neck, most of the eastern shore, and she falls in love with his son, daniel, thinking it is just a man from new kent. when daniel says to his father, i want to marry martha, john says her family is not fortunate enough to marry into us. he said no. her family was well known. her father was a clerk. martha was well known for her amiable personality. people fell in love with her. they go to john on martha's behalf and say, if you could meet this girl, you will change your mind. i would love to go back in history and find out what the meeting between john and martha was like. whatever she said to this man, he said she was the most amiable young girl and he could not see his son marrying anything better than the young dandridge girl. >> she owned a property, a house, where her first husband and child