my house at 584 page street was built in 1894 by daniel einstein and it's stucco and very deco and has a two 2-car garage. but someone who didn't know thinks it a deco building and it was published on hate raegs showing this cottage. that's public awareness about victorian buildings and considering incentives for people to considering restoration if they are doing a major project. thank you. >> i'm jim more shall. i appreciate dr. blot knee's comments bringing up my previous statements about mitigation to foster historic preservation that is very near and dear to my heart. i like that all of these things are talking about increasing public awareness and appreciation of our historic assets, getting broader participation in a much broader approach. these are all very very worthwhile objectives. anything we can do to increase our signage, increase education, knowledge is desirable. so all of these considerations are very worthwhile and it really brings to mind, we have something which is trying to get off the ground is a history preservation center and i agree with commissioner john that