the harvard psychologist daniel goldberg says every psychologist must at some point* in his or her career right to version of what he calls the sentence. specifically the sentence is always capitalized and read like this for a human being is the only animal that blank? and so the sense of self as you might say, the failed to bonk version of dissent, the twist is now it is not the animals we are so concerned with. if you go back to read aristotle, they're really interested in trying to prove things like wolves can run through the jungle and avoid falling logs and recognize their friends that is very easy to do but we're capable of things like long division and remembering facts the existence of the computer i think takes the wind out of that argument where we have seen exactly the opposite where the rigidly logical step by step things like factoring large numbers are quite simple as long as you apply the message and recognizing your mother is extremely complicated we're still developing the system to do it. the newest version of iphone who just released their face recognition software and