arctic securities study center which we seek to name this arctic center will be modeled after the daniel k. inouye asia-pacific center. so the fact that the two of them worked hand in glove for so many years, for decades really, on these issues of national security, national defense, from both the perspective of the far north as well as the asia-pacific, it's only fitting that we would model an arctic center, the ted stevens arctic security studies center after the asia-pacific center named after daniel inouye. senator schatz clearly understands the value of the asia-pacific center, and he's joined senator sullivan and i as a cosponsor of this legislation. but what we're really seeking to do here, the overaveraging -- overarching goals of this study center is to find solutions for the greatest security challenges of the circa polar arctic region to help promote greater understanding of the arctic. we know we've got to do more there as well as facilitate greater engagement and potential solutions for the many challenges we know lie ahead. it's an evolving world out there, let me tell you, m