amy: daniel kammen? >> so we know the cost of climate change is high on the security bases, on a local basis, and fulfilling as many of these obligations as possible while in office makes a lot of sense for not only the humanitarian reasons, but it is actually good business. it promotes a kind of companies, the kind of entrepreneurs we think our protein quality, not just -- amy: very quickly, daniel kammen , although the policy in the u.s. is leading away from cold, talk about what is happening right now in kosovo, and is you know well. looks kosovo is tough because there is a small coal plant. it is the dirtiest in europe. u.s. committed to not funding overseas coal. study after study from the outside has said go with the clean energy and yet we've seen no switch in position from the world bank. we have not seen a pullback. it is a kind of testbed where you want to see clean energy lead, not lag. amy: will you be telling john kerry this today? >> absolutely. amy: your final cocomment, asad rehman? >> co