. >> hello, my name is daniel leavitt and i am running for district five supervisor and i am also an attorney here in san francisco, and to quote, another late attorney, the great oliver holmes. as life is action and passion you should engage in the action and passion of their life in the peril of being judged not to have lived. i am here to tell you that i have been engaged and passionate about the issues shaping san francisco and district five at every step of the way. now, is that engagement and passion for me comes from my up bringing. now, i never fought in the vietnam war, i never experienced it. and i wasn't even born until it was all over. but, nonetheless, i cannot help but feel, that most of my life has been shaped by that war's battles. my father was a combat soldier, he returned from the war with many of the same ailments as other veterans including posttraumatic stress des order which left him 100 percent disabled. folks i watched my father, who was a very proud man, beg, with the government for the benefits he deserved. and i watched my father, again a very proud man, h