once again, daniel levy is president of the middle u. s. middle east projects and a former israeli negotiates, i get to have you, whether it's fast. let's take a look at this law because if it's not pastor and there will be another attempt heinz dam to get it through parliament. but if it's not past, how will it then affect the lives of israeli settlers in the west bank? well, let, let start with this laura. as you note, there is every likelihood that they will get this through or find another roundabout way of ensuring that the separate and unequal system of which this law is a crucial pillar. so the jewish israeli settlers live, according to one set of laws, palestinians under occupation, live according to another set of laws. that's what this is about. to ensure that that remains in place because otherwise, well, the occupation and the illegal settlements suddenly become something of a problem. gosh, these re settlers would, theoretically, this is not going to happen. i want to caution your viewers. would theoretically have to live under