sitting at the far end is daniel lipinski, a distinguished visiting fellow at the hoover institutionleo the 13th fell on social thought at the university of dallas. he represented the third district of illinois ine the u. house of representatives from 2005-2021. his career was quite distinguished. congressman lipinski earnediv a doctorate from political science from duke university and is author of congressional committee tatian, content and consequences. in the middle we have reid ribble, the micro-practitioner and resident in political the university of wisconsin green bay. he, too, served in congress and served well. he represented the eighth the district of wisconsin in the u.s. house of representatives from 2011-2017, and after retiring from the house congressman ribble served as a seal of the national roofing contractors association for fivi years. with that come witht, a step awy from the lectern and bring up our guest philip wallach. [applause] >> just want to start by thanking everyone who braved the smoke today and is here in person. it's a real honor to have you all gather