special agent daniel mcmullen. thank you so much. >>> we have been following the flight of a research ship that got itself in hot water in perhaps one of the coldest places on earth. 74 people, scientists, crew and paying tourists. they are all on board this russian flag ship, not far from antarctica and they are stuck. they are stuck in thick ice. chris is the expedition leader. he joins me live from the stranded ship. it's great to see you. fist things first, how is everyone doing on board? >> really quite good, actually. surprisingly so. the team is fabulous and pulled together. people are dealing with it in their own unique ways. we are being supportive and giving regular briefings twice a day to the team, letting them know the greatest progress. itis a very fluid situation. in 12 hours, things change again. at the moment, moral is good, people are keeping busy. we have different skill sets and life sets on the team. learning and teaching each other all sorts of things. we had math lessons yesterday. a shocking