under communist danielle ortega, 28,000 properties have been expropriated and nicaraguans are poorer than they were in the 1970's. a couple years ago the last presidential contenders, seven of them, were put in jail because elections for communists is the problem. therefore you have to stifle them. and you put your political opponents in jail. that's the easiest part because there is no accountability. now, let's go to cuba where my parents come from. my parents fled in the 1960's. 70% of cubans today eat only once a day. the average cuban makes $1 a day as income. in 1960, cuba had a per capita income close to italy or argentina. hunger being hungry is a very powerful motivator. thousands and thousands of cubans have known some of them throw themselves into the ocean in the florida straits to get to miami facing the sharks. facing drowning. just to escape that communist inferra, and they expose their children to that. just picture what that means. what do you got to be living in wherever you are in cuba in order to throw yourself into the ocean and face the sharks in the dark. today