he made -- he killed daniel pearl not because anything daniel pearl said or wrote or even thought. he did it to change and affect his reputation inside al-qaeda and that gives us is small window into the man and i hope to open a few other windows as i talk briefly today. now, inside al-qaeda, it's not as monolithic as you might imagine. i wrote the book "mastermind" to answer three questions. the old saying you write a book when you want to spend a couple years studying something and teach yourself. the three questions on the war on terror sort of waged on that dogged me at the back of my mind and these are the questions. one, how does an educated, successful person, educated in america and in our western universities, become a remorseless killer of our society and of his own? what's that pattern of transformation? what are the choices that person makes to become a terrorist? how does that happen? secondly, i wanted to know how does al-qaeda function on the inside? what is it like to work for al-qaeda? what are the internal dynamics? and third, what techniques in the war on terror