daniel ravicher, start with you. explain more about what these patents are and what you see the problem with them. >> well, the patent is the government granting one company the exclusive right to make or use a certain technology. and in this case the patent office has been granting patents over many genes in our body. and so the result means that if you want to look at your own genes to see whether you have a particular mutation that would increase your predisposition to a certain disease, you can't do that without the permission of the company. in this case we sued myriad genetics because they were using their patents to foreclose any other lab from offering this genetic screen, or were allowing women who couldn't afford to pay myriad's price to go to someone who might be willing to do that screening for them for free. >> ken shahine, from the company's standpoint, some process has happened that makes the gene, makes this all patentable; is that correct? >> yeah, i think so. first of all, we need to be clear that n