daniel romero, chairman romero. he said our elders want you to put down your war deeds and what you've done because we know you're coming home on midtour leave for the new year's eve pow wow. i said, yes. he said, we want to do a blessing ceremony. i thought it was strange that they want my war deeds for blessing ceremony. i said, it's never been done. i didn't question it because he is my tribal chairman, chief and i did it. what ended up happening is as he's doing my blessing, he came out to do it, i said, wow, our chief doesn't normally do this. and then the vice chief came out. he was right next to him. he was doing it as well. i said what's going on? this is not how we normally do things. and then all of a sudden my indian education teacher from my indian days at school from title iv started reading things from the high school years and started reading my military records and what i had done and what are some of the war deeds. i turned to my tribal chairman, i said, this isn't a blessing ceremony, is it? he sai