according to university of california sociologist daniel schneider and courier kristen hartnett. just in time, scheduling is intended to shift the downsides associated with periods of low demand onto employees. in addition to wage precarity, because you can never be sure if you have enough wages and financial instability that results from that. workers treated this report sleeping poorly and suffering mentally as a result, and their children are more likely to show signs of anxiety and to act out and misbehave in school. and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to connect the causal dots. it's a predictable result of their parents to spend regular time with them. then there are today's lopsided employment agreements. these days, when you sign the dotted line for a new job, you agree to a near-total surveillance of your digital life, including the confiscation of your personal devices, the use of keylogger software to monitor communications and even the recording of your voice and personal likeness. for commercial licensing, it's no longer just about, you know, using your picture in