[laughter] >> where you're at west virginia university speaking with professor daniel shapiro about is but, "is the welfae state justified?." so let's start at the end if he will. is the welfare state justified? >> probably not but i should explain a little bit about what i mean by that. first, what i mean by the welfare state. by the welfare state and mean programs like national health insurance, social security, social and syringe programs. and when i say probably not, what i do in the book is kind of interesting i think as i look at the values and principles of people who defend the welfare system. i take the reasons they give so i'm in philosophy at the temporary philosophy of various positions that supportive. i'll just say people appeal to fairness or are protecting the poor, inviting a sensitive opportunity. given their values if you compared those institutions with feasible more market-based opportunities the people supporting them support the alternatives. they come out looking either better or at least as good given their own values. >> so what are the essential principles or