cynthia hurd, suzy jackson, ethel leighlands, tawanza sanders, daniel simmons, soranda coleman singleton, myra thompson, felicia sanders and her beautiful 5-year-old granddaughter polly shepard and my friend reverend calendar clee pinkney gathered together for a bible study at mother emmanuel. among them was a young man new to emmanuel, a young man they welcomed into their presence with god's love. and while they did not, could not possibly see the darkness in his heart, they showed him the loving nature of their own hearts, so much so that he later told police that he almost, almost did not go through with his vicious, vile attack because everyone was so nice to him. but tragically, almost was not enough. in an instant, the horrors unleashed by this young man changed south carolina forever. i remember getting the phone call about 9:00 p.m. on that wednesday night when one of -- from one of my friends at the sheriff's office about the shooting at mother emmanuel. reports continued to come in, so i texted my friend, clemente pinkney, hoping that he would respond and tell me what was going