daniel snyder, redskins owner, still struggles to find formula for success. kind article about mr. zuckerberg in today's "wall street journal." joining us, mike wise, sports columnist at "the washington post" and jeff sonnenfeld from the yale school of management. i know neither of these guys. i'm not a facebook user but have been a redskins fan since i was 5 years old and would love nothing more for the redskins to win. the articles in the papers, mike, point today in the "journal" and in yours yesterday, point to the differences between these two guys, but if you look beneath the surface, they seem to be very, very similar types who have reacted differently. both young billionaires, both stubborn at times, both mercurial. mike, pick it up. >> i guess the big difference is i see more of an adapt to change to i guess modern times and thinking on mark zuckerberg's part than daniel snyder's. there's a great passage in the "wall street journal" article in which zuckerberg walks into the room after all these losses and the stock sliding and he looks at his facebo