quoting the title of daniel weis's article in climate progress.com the war on coal is a lie invented by the coal industry. it's a multi-million dollar misinformation campaign funded by big coal polluters to distract americans from the deadly effects on pollution on public health. there is a war in appalachia, believe this. this war is not on coal. this war is on the people of appalachia. coal is not our king, god is. coal is only the dictator of some. expanding any mountaintop removal including the spruce number one permit means the depopulation of yet another mountain community and the sickening of the people who live in this community. how will this affect our culture? we will die as a culture as we suffer with the inability to pass this mountain culture on to our children. not even our historic mountain cemeteries are left intact and accessible. it is not as if this committee, congress, the coal industry and the obama administration doesn't know what mountaintop removal is doing to people. they not only know about it, but they are supporting it and allowing it by not ending it. af