on july 24th, just after 9:00 p.m., rajaratnam takes a call from danielle chiesi. the former beauty queen is now a hedge-fund trader and one of rajaratnam's best sources. chiesi has the inside track on akamai, a company that manages internet traffic. she says the company will miss earnings. it's news that won't go public for six days. rajaratnam shorts the stock. in doing so, he will profit if the stock price falls. when earnings are announced on july 30th, the stock tumbles 25%, and rajaratnam clears more than $5 million. but downtown at the fbi, agents are listening in to his every word, building a case into the biggest insider-trading ring in history. the story of raj rajaratnam begins an ocean away in the south asian country of sri lanka. >> when raj was growing up there, there was a civil war going on, and he grew up in relative prosperity. >> narrator: as a teen, rajaratnam leaves his home country to begin schooling in the western world. he studies engineering in england and then earns a masters degree at the prestigious wharton school of business. rajaratnam