wage growth for workers to do so we are pleased to be joined by danielle de martino book the c.e.o. uill intelligence danielle welcome back thanks for being with us that is a pretty good jobs report two hundred one thousand in august the the unemployment rate remained the same three point nine percent which was great even though the june and july numbers were reversed down both being reduced by a total of sixty thousand cumulative the average monthly jobs increase for this year is one hundred eighty five thousand per month these represent the ninety fifth consecutive months of u.s. drone job growth i mean that's pretty incredible i mean overall things are going pretty well right it really is a startling run that we've seen part and we're seeing quite a bit of resilience for being as late in the cycle as we are at this point you actually expect to see a tempering in job growth which we really haven't seen which speaks to some of the extraordinary environment that we find ourselves in the economic environment that we find ourselves in where there are too few skilled workers to fill ope