danielle pletka is a vice president at the american institute and sahil kapur with bloomberg. and i have a mitch mcconnell response to the op-ed and he does his best bill belichick impression. here it is. >> were you surprised someone would feel this way and act that way? >> well, "the new york times" is putting stories all the time based on anonymous sources, so i guess this is just the most recent example of it. >> but it means that someone near the president is actively working against him inside the white house. are you surprised that someone would do that, rather than say resign publicly? >> yeah, i really don't have any further observations to make about it. >> on to cincinnati. >> i was doing going to say, th the mitch mcconnell way of saying, on to cincinnati. first of all, can i just like step back for a little reality check here. the question that was just asked of the speaker of the house, paul ryan, no, it's not congress' job to try to suss out who the anonymous source of, you know, an op-ed is. come on, let's be real here. but having said that, to me, the big take