whether it is the great new economy, like ron and gail conway or mark danny cox, who is leading the 21st century movement, or neighborhood and community leaders, like rows in chinatown, mary and al harris in the mission, or dr. joe marshall in the bayview, san franciscans from across the city are working together to find new and exciting ways to address social problems. they are bringing legions of committed people to the table with them. we all want a city where a kid from any neighborhood can grow out safely, play in his local park, and go to a good public school. we want a city where kids can go to college and get the education that they need for a job. or opening a small business in the outer sunset. at its best, san francisco is a city for everyone. we are a city for the 100%. [applause] we will only realize our true promise and potential when we serve the needs and aspirations of each and every one. i will tell you one of the ways that we can do that. we need to create a permanent source of revenue. for funding of production and housing in san francisco. creating a space that is li