i if you don't say hello to danny o'neill you're in trouble because there's so many o'neills in town but welcome. i'm there, and get to play in what was then the big 8 conference and my great thrill out there was, i parked cars for the oklahoma-colorado game when the oklahoma people came in by helicopter, and they landed in the field, and it was like park my helicopter. how too you park a helicopter? they had the greatest -- one of the greatest collegiate team, all all-americans and great players with distinguished professional careers. so, took my example at the end of the first semester, and said, it's a long way from home, don't get to see my brothers, so i decided to leave and then hung around for a while, and sort of languished, thinking about college and soing for and so on. my dad wasn't too happy, obviously. it was the situation where he -- nobody had to pay and somebody would have to pay for the second choice. so, i settled on the university of new hampshire. went to the university and i paid my own way. i worked -- in those days was working nights at benderly and park, lead