you them you are one with danny sherwood, the main men out as well. ah, john, ah, well, what was it in the wire? you johnny cigarette on jerry centered. it's a wish it would empty or point you to go to one you wish somebody had her o mail mail marquee chris schwartz from the law, but he had her. sure that he got caught on how young his snail at huntsell will he shouldn't. he slashes on such stories of domestic abuse have had an impact all over china. they've even resonated with perpetrators themselves. after 4 years of abuse grew ways why filed for divorce. it came as a shock to him and he feared he might lose his son too on his or her canada. or was that i was i'm entry too much at him. bonnie: she turned off. we are trying to shadow on her so do jasmine, bullied as a negative logic. be jamika this all to how you got entire hamburger guitar. that's all fine. got you up here. john. gore. fine job. what you so this whole search under and go from border is here to god me. muted jackson touching far, no garcia, you bought a box off of the young. she stor