also darius baxter and danny wright. they are the founders of good projects, an organization that is trying to do a lot of outreach and partnering in our area. troy, i want to start with you. how did you get involved in this? i understand you left teach for america to start this. >> yes. the organization started very organically. we all played against each other in high the crazy part is we all met each other on the field at georgetown on the same team. became best friends, became roommates. in our senior year we came together and were challenged by our mentor to go back in the community and do something goodgood. and out came good projects. in the nonprofit arena it isn't a lot of fun and not a lot of money. i i had to do teach for america. do projects on the side. before i came home, we were successfully enough to get funding and i left teach for america to do it full-time because i knew this was my real passion and my partners' real passion, so, yeah. >> danny, tell me a little about what you guys had been doing. >> y