.@ manottc hirejsc s2ay úvlding a hard, danoc rec 2úvía2 the european econo rather the imbalances@nd is crisi@s, notno tv t of@ work noanc d redic st2racv >> if you can grow an cnoanc v e big@no@noc rec 2hey grew out of it. noc atretrc ac2tive savolíautbvo >> reportec st2itute avsaíaysbv eurozone fiscal hou@se@noc rec 2@noc recv on the monetary side, but inadequate on th and ththe euro will co@llapseno c reíabv@noc rec 2no aubvstíaerbvity iss leaders shod also l2bvíabv their ecbergsten says right nowv sense ofbv anxieties, but a the process lead them to comevev >> reporter: austerity m@ impact. 24@-hour nostc rirekec i2n pria budget cutbacks.noc rec 2bvíabvs >> tom: europe could be just one noc @@ íapobvor's.c vere bc ee2n $42 be but monday lived@ note deals totaling almost @noc rec 2 rateno ac .bre.bc . 2buyingcv pr íabvtechnology frec 2cv betts. deal, with a.b.b. paying t c rebetts shareholders@no 2noc rec cv utility eqc 2it ccvoníatibvnues two trendh f three biggest deals in the u@nov rec 2cvíabv forward to in 2012. announced today involves autos y fund. th. the deal allows pep bo