honest but there is one thing that does not lie and that's video and luckily for us photographer dante williams had this camera rolling through this altercation with officer officer one of them off the median sidewalk in all the way across the street and i say lucky for us because without this video we wouldn't have the evidence that the chicago police department believes they are the judge and the jury when it comes to journalists first amendment rights check it out. like. if you're really good police work. your first amendment rights can be terminated wow well that's news to me if any officer in any town just decide on a whim and you no longer are entitled to the rights given to you by the constitution then what exactly is the point of the first amendment and i have to say that i feel so secure knowing that my rights to be taken away when one man decides that i'm causing a scene or whatever i mean i wonder what whatever actually means is whatever me but i can lose my first and i'm right it's obvious reward as out of coffee this morning maybe whatever means i can lose my first event or right o